Classroom Wishlist

Hi friends!

Sorry I have been MIA for the past few weeks! School ended on June 23rd and I immediately left for a beach vacation with my family followed by four days of nonstop celebrating the Fourth of July followed by jumping right back into the teaching world! I'll be doing reading intervention for 3rd and 5th grade this summer, so I had to go to an LLI training and then a summer school orientation and that is why I have had zero time to share anything with you guys!

I am still working on my growing words bundle for next year and will let you all know as soon as it is ready! In the meantime, however, I thought I would share my classroom wish list with you for this year because amazon prime day is coming up (Prime Day is July 11th, but I read somewhere that you can start shopping at 6 p.m. on July 10th!) and I want to be prepared to get as many deals as I possibly can.

I'm linking a few items that I already have in case you are a new teacher and/or moving to a new classroom and want to make sure you have the essentials that you need!

Pencil Sharpener
Electric Three Hole Punch You do not necessarily need an electric one but someone gave me on of these a few years ago and it is such a time saver. The one I have can punch about 30 pages at once!
Desktop File Organizer Having one of these has saved my life! I keep things like Nurse Passes, Written Time Outs, Scholastic Order Forms, Permission Slips, etc... so that I can easily find them when I'm in a hurry
Sticky Labels I uses these to label everything. Any time I buy something myself I make sure to label it so that if/when I switch classrooms it will be easy to identify what stays and what goes. These are also great for labeling student materials, folders, notebooks, etc...
Clorox Wipes I have to have the kind with microscrubbers because that's the only way to get all the glue and dirt and god knows what else off of desks!
Flip Chart Markers
Self-Stick Chart Paper This chart paper is expensive but totally worth it!
Pentel Energel Pens These are, in my humble opinion, the best pens on earth. 

What are your classroom essentials? Leave a comment and I'll try to link a few more products before the sale goes live!

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