Ash Wednesday

Today we spent some time talking about why and how we observe the 40 days of Lent. We focused on three main vocabulary words: Pray, Fast, and Give. We talked about how we can make a resolution (just like new year's!) to pray more often, give alms, and fast or give up something that we don't really need.
We're going to be collecting money for Catholic Relief Services using the rice bowls this year, so a lot of kids said that they would make the resolution to give all of their money to the poor (I told them that it would be OK to give some money to the poor and keep some for themselves - didn't want any parents getting upset).
After brainstorming a long list of things that we can work on during lent, I had each of them write down their lenten resolutions on this paper: (grab it for free on TPT!)

Then, they cut out purple crosses to glue their writing paper onto:

Here are some of their finished products!
"For Lent I will give the toys I don't play and give clothes what do not fit me and pray every day and night."
 "For Lent I will give my toys to the people who don't have toys and the people that are poor. Also pray for the people that are poor."
"For Lent I will pray for people. I will try to be good. I will give ip taking baths (?!?!?!) when I am clean. I am going to pray for Jesus."

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